
May 15 /

terraCotta Integrated Quote Guide


The Integrated Quote functionality allows the clients to fully integrate the terraCotta Quote engine into their websites and booking process.

It uses a SOAP web service that allows the user to obtain quotes for the desired criteria and subsequently book the desired policy.

This guide covers the following:

  • Integrated Quote Process – It will explain how the Integrated Quote web service works and list the available web methods.
  • Integrated Quote Methods – It will explain each of the available web methods, including their requests and responses.

Please note that the web-service URLs presented in this document are generic, e.g. Please contact us to obtain the correct URLs to use for your integration.


Integrated Quote Web service The Process

The Process

The integrated quote is divided into 3 steps:

  1. Request quotes that fit a specific quote criteria and user. This web method iscalled ‘ProvideQuotation’.
  2. Request the necessary screening questions to be asked to the client for aselected quote. This web method is called ‘ScreeningQuestions’.
  3. Convert the selected quote into a live policy. This web method is called‘SavePolicyDetails‘.

The web service list of methods and definitions can be found in the following URL:


ProvideQuotation Method

The first action taken is calling the ‘ProvideQuotation’ method to obtain a list of possible quotes for the desired criteria.

To do so, the web method should be called with the following request details, which include the type of products to be quoted, the list of people to be insured and the terraCotta user:

    • userID – The user ID to associate the quotes to and that will define the possible products to be quoted
    • userCode – The user code to validate the user requesting the quotes. This can be taken from user’s direct URL, available in terraCotta’s ‘Company Admin’
    • quoteDetails
      • ResidenceID – Residence ID for the insured party. Please contact us for a
        comprehensive list of possible ‘ResidenceID’.
      • TypePolicyID – This is a comma-separated list of IDs for the ‘Type of
        Policy Types’ you would like the system to quote. The list of possible IDs
        can be accessed on ‘OPALS>Other Settings>Types of Policy Types’.
      • TypePackageID – This is the ID of the ‘Type of Package’ you would like
        the system to quote. Please contact us for a comprehensive list of
        possible ‘TypePackageID’.
      • Destination – The name of the destination the insured is travelling to.
        This needs to be the same as defined on OPALS for the products to quote.
      • StartDate – Insurance Start Date, using the format ‘YYYY/MM/DD’.
      • EndDate – Insurance End Date, using the format ‘YYYY/MM/DD’.
      • Travellers
        • TravellerNumber – Each Traveller’s number, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, …
        • Title – Traveller’s Title
        • FirstName – Traveller’s Initials
        • LastName – Traveller’s Surname
        • DateOfBirth – Traveller’s date of birth
        • Age – Traveller’s age
      • Contact Details
        • Address – Main Person’s Address
        • Postcode – Main Person’s Postcode
        • Email – Main Person’s Email address
        • Telephone – Main Person’s Telephone

The system will then reply with a list of possible quotes that fit the criteria and products available to the user. The response will have the following information:

  • Message – System message with information about the result returned
  • quoteResults
    • QuoteID – Identifying ID for the quote
    • schemaName – Name of the product being quoted
    • policyTypeName – Name of the policy type being quoted
    • SI – URL for summary of cover PDF file
    • PW – URL for the policy wording PDF file
    • Currency – Quote Currency symbol
    • IPT – Quote IPT amount
    • GrossPrice – Quote Price

Please note that the definition for this web method can be obtained here:


ScreeningQuestions Method

After selecting a quote, the client’s website should call the ‘ScreeningQuestions’ method to obtain the screening questions that need to be asked to the customer.

The request requires the following information that contains the user and quote identification:

  • userID – The user ID used to originally request the quotes
  • userCode – The user code to validate the user requesting the information
  • quoteID – The quote ID for the selected quote

If the request is valid, the system will return the following information that includes the screening questions, any messages to be presented for each answer and consequent action:

  • Message – System message with information about the result returned
  • screeningQuestion
    • questionNumber – Question number
    • question – Screening question text
    • yesMessage – Message that should be presented to the customer for a ‘Yes’
    • noMessage – Message that should be presented to the customer for a ‘No’.
    • yesAction – ID for the action that will be taken by the system for a ‘Yes’.
    • noAction – ID for the action that will be taken by the system for a ‘No’.
    • yesActionText – Text for the action that will be taken by the system for a ‘Yes’
    • noActionText – Text for the action that will be taken by the system for ‘No’

Please note that the definition for this web method can be obtained here:


SavePolicyDetails Method

Finally, once a quote is selected and all the screening questions have been answered, the client’s website should call the ‘SavePolicyDetails’ to convert the quote into a live policy.

The requester this web method will include the following information, which contains the user and quote identification and screening answers:

  • userID – The user ID used to originally request the quotes
  • userCode – The user code to validate the user requesting the information
  • quoteID – The quote ID for the selected quote
  • screeningQuestionAnswer
    • questionNumber – Number of the screening question
    • answer – The screening question answer (‘yes’ or ‘no’)
  • medicalScreeningReference – Medical Screening Reference (if necessary)


The web method will validate the screening answers sent and will return the following information on the response:

  • Message – System message with information about the result returned
  • policySaved – Confirmation if the quote was converted into a policy (‘Yes’ or ‘No’)
  • policyID – Policy Number for the saved policy
  • certificate – URL for the policy certificate page
  • PW – URL for the policy wording PDF file
  • SI – URL for the summary of cover PDF file

Please note that the definition for this web method can be obtained here:

May 15 /

terraCotta Cancellation Cover Integrated Quote Guide


The Cancellation Cover Integrated Quote functionality allows the clients to fully integrate the Cancellation Cover Quote engine into their websites and booking process.

It uses a SOAP web service that allows the user to obtain quotes for the desired criteria and subsequently book the desired policy.

This guide covers the following:

  •  Cancellation Cover Integrated Quote Process – It will explain how the IntegratedQuote web service works and list the available web methods.
  •  Cancellation Cover Integrated Quote Methods – It will explain each of the available web methods, including their requests and responses.



The Process

The cancellation cover integrated quote is divided into 2 steps:

  1. Request quotes that fit a specific quote criteria and user. This web method is called ‘getQuote’.
  2. Convert the selected quote into a live policy. This web method is called ‘saveQuote‘.

Additionally, there are 2 auxiliary methods that aid the use of the cancellation cover intergrated quote:

  • lookupCountry – This web-method allows to get the desired country ID to be used in the getQuote web-method
  • emailPolicy – This web-method allows the user to email the policy documentation to the customer.

The web service list of methods and definitions can be found in the following URL:



getQuote Method

The first action taken is calling the ‘getQuote’ method to obtain a list of possible quotes for the desired criteria.

To do so, the web method should be called with the following request details, which include the amount to cover, age of the policy holder and the terraCotta user credentials:

  • userID – The user ID to associate the quotes to and that will define the possible products to be quoted. The value should be an ‘Integer’.
  • userCode – The user code to validate the user requesting the quotes. This can be taken from user’s direct URL, available in terraCotta’s ‘Company Admin’. The value should be an ‘Integer’.
  • quoteCriteria
    • residenceID – Residence ID for the insured person. Please use the
      ‘lookupCountry’ web method to search for a country’s ID. The value should be
      an ‘Integer’.
    • cancellationAmount – The cancellation amount to be covered. The value
      should be a ‘Double’.
    • Age – Age of the policy holder. The value should be an ‘Integer’.


The system will then reply with a list of possible quotes that fit the criteria and products available to the user. The response will have the following information:

  • quoteResult
    • QuoteID – Identifying ID for the quote
    • quotePriceNoIPT – QuotePriceexcludingIPT.
    • quotePriceWithIPT – QuotePriceincludingIPT.
    • ipt – Quote Tax amount
    • productName – Nameofthequotedproduct

Please note that the definition for this web method can be obtained here:


saveQuote Method

Once a quote is selected, the client’s website should call the ‘saveQuote’ to convert the quote into a live policy.

The request for this web method will include the following information, which contains the user and customer details:

  • userID – The user ID used to originally request the quote. The value should be an ‘Integer’.
  • userCode – The user code to validate the user requesting the information. The value should be an ‘Integer’.
  • quoteID – The quote ID for the selected quote to convert into a Live policy. The value should be an ‘Integer’.
  • PolicyIssueDate – The policy issue date using the format ‘dd/mmm/yyyy’, e.g. ‘10/Oct/2016’. The value should be a ‘String’.
  • StartDate – The cancellation cover start date using the format ‘dd/mmm/yyyy’, e.g. ‘10/Oct/2016’. The value should be a ‘String’.
  • EndDate – The cancellation cover end date using the format ‘dd/mmm/yyyy’, e.g. ‘10/Oct/2016’. The value should be a ‘String’.
  • TransId – The transaction ID of the credit card transaction relating to the payment of this policy. The value should be a ‘String’.
  • CoverageType – Free text field to identify the type of cancellation cover associated with the policy, e.g. ‘Hotel Booking’, ‘Event’. The value should be a ‘String’.
  • CoverageDesc – Free text field to describe the cover associated with the policy, e.g. ‘Hilton Hotel Booking’, ‘One Direction Concert’. The value should be a ‘String’.
  • Age – The age of the policy holder. The value should be an ‘Integer’.
  • DOB – The date of birth of the policy holder using the format ‘dd/mmm/yyyy’, e.g. ‘10/Oct/1980’. The value should be a ‘String’.
  • PhoneNumber – The telephone number of the policy holder. The value should be an ‘String’.
  • VATNumber – The tax identifying number of the policy holder. The value should be an ‘String’.
  • TaxOffice – The registered tax office of the policy holder. The value should be an ‘String’.
  • Title – The title of the policy holder, e.g. ‘Mr’, ‘Mrs’, ‘Master’. The value should be an ‘String’.
  • FirstName – The first name(s) of the policy holder. The value should be an ‘String’.
  • Surname – The surname of the policy holder. The value should be an ‘String’.
  • Email – The email address of the policy holder. The value should be an ‘String’.
  • Address – The address of the policy holder. The value should be an ‘String’.
  • Postcode – The postcode of the policy holder. The value should be an ‘String’.

The web method will convert the selected quote into a Live policy in terraCotta and will return the following information on purpose:

  • saveQuoteResult – The policy number on the saved quote

Please note that the definition for this web method can be obtained here:


emailPolicy Method

Once the quote is converted into a live policy, it is possible to email the policy documentation to the customer by calling the ‘emailPolicy’ web-method.

To do so, the web method should be called with the following request details, which include the amount to cover, age of the insured and the terraCotta user:

  • userID – The user ID used to originally request the quote. The value should be an ‘Integer’.
  • userCode – The user code to validate the user requesting the quotes. This can be taken from user’s direct URL, available in terraCotta’s ‘Company Admin’. The value should be an ‘Integer’.
  • quoteID – Policy ID of the policy to be emailed. The value should be an ‘Integer’.
  • emailAddress – Recipient’s email address. The value should be an ‘String’.

Please note that the definition for this web method can be obtained here: -cancellationcover.asmx?op=emailPolicy


lookupCountry Method

This web-method allows to search for a country’s ID and additional information, using any of the following details – Country ID, ISO Code, English Name or Native Name.

To do so, the web method should be called with the following request details:

  • countryID – The country ID used to search for. The value should be an ‘Integer’.
  • isoCode – String with the desired country’s ISO code, e.g. ‘GR’. The value should be a ‘String’.
  • englishName – String with the desired country’s English name, e.g. ‘Greece’. The value should be a ‘String’.
  • nativeName – String with the desired country’s native name, e.g. ‘Hellas’. The value should be a ‘String’.

Please note that the definition for this web method can be obtained here: -cancellationcover.asmx?op=emailPolicy

The web method will search by any of the details passed in and will return the following information on the response:

  • countryID – The country ID used to search for. The value should be an ‘Integer’.
    • countryID – The country’s ID
    • countryName – The country’s English Name.
    • isoCode – The country’s ISO Code.
    • nativeNames – The country’s Native Name

Please note that the definition for this web method can be obtained here: